Monday 31 August 2015


What happens when you find your ball deflated and there's no pump or needle in sight? You could always cancel your plans of kicking around the soccer ball or tossing the old pigskin. Or, you could be a badass and use one of these handy tricks to pump up that ball.


Deflated ball

You can also use a balloon to inflate a ball, as long as you have something to pass the air between the two. If you've got a pump that's broken, the needle from it is ideal, but you could also use a thin straw or coffee stirrer. The bigger and thicker the balloon, the better.

Blow up the balloon as much as possible, using a paperclip or clamp to keep the air from escaping. Now, attach the pump needle or straw to the balloon and insert it into the hole in the ball. When you release the paperclip or clamp, the air will transfer from the balloon to the ball.

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