Wednesday 26 August 2015


Ayoo people!! Im curios about how do you guys download a video from YouTube haa? Krikkk krikkk krikkk~ well thank you for the answers! For those who answered my question, a round of applause for yourself WOHOO!! For those who didn’t try to answer it next time okay? p/s: im not crazy!! Without any further delay, here’s the first life hack for downloading a video from YouTube.

step 1: choose any video that you want to download from YouTube. Here’s the example of a video that I want to download it. Since this issue was hilarious so im gonna download it. Albeit I have seen this video for thousand times *just kidding* it is still feels like new and funny to me hehe

step 2 : type “ss” after www. For a clearer example ( then press enter.

Step 3 : click on download and tadaaaa~ you’re set!! HAPPY DOWNLOADING PEEPS.

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