Monday 31 August 2015


As a conclusion for my post, I would like to thank my Digital and Mobile Communication’s lecturer Mdm Hawinda for giving me this opportunity to create such blog. I have gained a lot of knowledge by creating this blog. For example, i get to know how to operate blogger quite well. Besides, by doing this “Life Hacks” blog i also gained knowledge and hacks to make my life easier by using simple tools. Furthermore, im also enjoying myself sharing this information with other people as well. Not to forget to all of friends who have helped me alot in creating this blog. Last but not least, as an old folks saying “knowledge is power” so grab as many knowledge as you can to make yourself a better human in the future.


1. Urban dictionary. (n,d). Retrieved from

2. HouseHoldHacker. (2015). 7 Money Saving Life Hacks You Should Know. Retrieved from

3. Awesomeinventions. (2015). 15 epic life hacks you wish you knew. Retrieved from

4. Shum. A (n,d). SCM Music Player. Retrieved from

5. ViralNova. (n,d). How did i live before knowing these 22 briliant life hacks?. Retrieved from

6. Howtoneforless. (2014). 20 organizing life hacks. Retrieved from

7. HouseHoldHacker. (2015). 7 Money Saving Life Hacks You Should Know. Retrieved from

8. Armstrong. (2013). Follow the wire. Retrieved from

9. Madzia. (n,d). Life hacks. Retrieved from

10. Pin it. (2010). Mind blowing life hacks. Retrieved from

11. Wonderful Engineering. (n,d). 21 quick and simple life hacks that are shamefully genius. Retrieved from

12. Rosa. E. (2014). 14 fruits life hacks that will simplify your life. Retrieved from

13. Tech e blog. (2014). 10 cool and useful outdoor life hacks that will come in handy. Retrieved from

14. Guff. (2013). Incredibly useful computer life hacks. Retrieved from

15.EMGN. (n,d). Worried about living on your own? these amazing life hacks will ease the transition. Retrieved from

16. Home Design Magazine. (2013). 11 mind-blowing life hacks for your kitchen. Retrieved from

17. Awareness-time. (n,d). 10 easy and simple life hacks .Retrieved from

Survival mode on!

On this video, theres a lot of survival life hacks for you guys! It is so convenience and easy to hack by yourself. Besides, this video I guaranteed you will gain alot of benefits from it. This survival is a must learn especially if you’re having a camping outdoor. Furthermore, you will never know what will happened in the future right? In addition, if you dont have any torchlight by using the canned drinks you are able to create something that is similar to torchlight. As an old folks saying, knowledge is power.

Dandruff go away!!

When it comes to hair and skin, one of the most natural ways to maintain your appearance is with cold showers. Hot water has the tendency to dry out our skin, so it’s best to use cold water to tighten your cuticles and pores, which will prevent them from getting clogged. Cold water can “seal” the pores in the skin and scalp too, preventing dirt from getting in.

Jessica Krant, board-certified dermatologist, told The Huffington Post that ice-cold or lukewarm water can help our skin and prevent it from being stripped of its healthy natural oils too quickly. Remember, cold water only temporarily tightens skin as it constricts blood flow, but it does not shrink pores. When it comes to haircare, cold showers can make hair appear shinier, stronger, and healthier by flattening hair follicles, and increasing their ability to grip the scalp.
Ladies and gentlemen! Try it out.


Oh my god, im kinda craving for a bread wrapped with nutella! Lots of lots of nutella. Ughhh its raining right now, I guessed nutella would perfectly fit at this moment while enjoying a hot chocolate. Wowww that’s killing me right now L wait!! Talking about bread, theres something that came out of my mind. Hmm its about the clips that sealed of the bread. You guys noticed that? Of course you will. Well do you that you could do something with that clips? DEFINITELY A HACK!!
Labelling timeee
See how useful that could be? How helpful that can be right? Besides it could also make your life easier. Furthermore, you will know what wire that could be since you have labelled it hehe.

The power of lime

Lime is a white caustic alkaline substance consisting of calcium oxide, obtained by heating limestone. The health benefits of lime include weight loss, skin care, improved digestion, relief from constipation, eye care, and treatment of scurvy, piles, peptic ulcer, respiratory disorders, gout, gums, urinary disorders, etc.

The first fruit that comes to mind in terms of medicinal uses is the reliable lime. This sour citrus fruit can do what many advanced medicines cannot. Lime, bearing the scientific name Citrus Aurantifolia, has been used for ages in the treatment of various ailments.
The power of lime

I have tried this before, and swear to god its really worked. Im kinda shocked with it but what to do it’s a life hack.


“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” have you guys ever heard about that phrases? I bet you guys know! Apple has a lot of benefits in it, from the skin till the stem. In today modern world, with advance technology the researchers have done a lot of research on apple and it is proven by them that an apple does can keeps the doctor away. Theres a lot of usage from apple. Well yes it is also will be my hack topic for this post!!
Fresh apple
There you go guys! A hack for your sweet dreams. Have a nice and awesome dreams peeps. For your information, indeed this is considered as a hack for you guys!


What happens when you find your ball deflated and there's no pump or needle in sight? You could always cancel your plans of kicking around the soccer ball or tossing the old pigskin. Or, you could be a badass and use one of these handy tricks to pump up that ball.


Deflated ball

You can also use a balloon to inflate a ball, as long as you have something to pass the air between the two. If you've got a pump that's broken, the needle from it is ideal, but you could also use a thin straw or coffee stirrer. The bigger and thicker the balloon, the better.

Blow up the balloon as much as possible, using a paperclip or clamp to keep the air from escaping. Now, attach the pump needle or straw to the balloon and insert it into the hole in the ball. When you release the paperclip or clamp, the air will transfer from the balloon to the ball.


Tangled wire all over your desk? Isn’t that annoyed you? Too much wires from your computer, tv, wifi connector and all in one place? Wow that’s got me annoyed especially when it tangled along with each other.  The hardest part is when tried to untangle them, walawehhhhh it is so hard meh I could get angry weh. Well I bet so does you guys aite? Huhu I know.

Look at how neat it is.
Well isn’t that eye candy everyone? Yeayyyyy! Around of applause everbodyyyyyy~ I hope you guys can try it out and go untangle wires for yourselves and make it neat like the picture above!!


Hackers coming throughhhhhhhhhhhh~~ new post are here!! There are too much remote control at your house right? Tv’s remote, for your astro, dvd player and all. Its scattered all over your house aite? And its annoyed your sight and sometimes you even lost it and couldn’t find it anywhere! Ughhhh its stress me out L
How cool is that?

Well all you need is a strap. It is so easy for you guys to look out for it. You guys can buy it at any convenience store around your place. Then cut it into two and stick it up one at the top of your remote control, the other one will be at the bottom of your remote. Walaaaaa, magic done!


Dear to all momsies from all over the world that are suffered from doing they house chores. Mom im sorry and im promise you that I’ll help you later on with the house chores; I couldn’t do it now because im too busy updating my blog huhu. Have you guys ever seen your mom suffering to wash a blender? You guys know that it is so hard to wash a blender right?  Especially on in the inside!! The blade and stuff, pheewww exhausting.
Steps that everyone could follow.

Now you guys know how exactly and super duper easy to wash a bender right? Well watchu guys waiting for? GO HELP YOUR MOM TO CLEAN THE BLENDER NOW!! I hope this could at least make your mom smile J


Yaww I’m into EDM nowadays but I couldn’t afford any speaker cause its too expensive L I was wondering all over my house to search for anything that could generates sounds loudly. However I couldn’t find any suddenly when I passed by my kitchen just got a sudden idea about I should just hack it myself……

So I went to my kitchen and found the tissue roller and decided to go on with my idea. Tadaaa! Not yet. Hehe so I cut the middle of the tissue roller to make it like this

And then I put my ipod at the middle of it. Tadaa! My own speaker speakor man. I like and I love it oh oh so good it hurts~ So, this is my hack for something special for you guys. A speaker speakor for those who are in need of something special.
Mmuah muah kbye

Hey! Here’s a new gadget hack for yall. Im surfing through google images and I just found a new gadget hack for yall! Its not that fancy but hey you guys should try it out!! First of all, you only need one thing. An egg tray, that egg tray is super easy for you guys to have and it is super cheap!! Like for real
Look how fancy yet it is cheap! 


Ola hackers~ how are you guys doing? Are you planning to go somewhere? If any of you do I have life hacks about packing your clothes. Want to know? Well, keep blogging. Stay tuned~

I know all of you are stressing out when it comes to pack your luggage for a holiday vacation or any vacation, right? Sometimes you feels like wanted to bring all of your clothes, pants, accessories and all. But the saddest part is you can’t bring it all right the clothes that you are packing are consuming a lot of spaces. But guess what, the way you keeps your clothes in are wrong!! Here’s a hack to pack your luggage! 

                               As easy as ABC
Dont worry about the clothes getting wrinkle, at your hotel there must be an iron prepared for you hehe.


Hey peeps, today’s new post is about how to put more than one food in your microwave. Especially, big bowls or any big plates. Well all of us like to do something in a fast way right? Well if you have big bowls that would like to put in the microwave, definitely it wont fit in it right? So here I have provided a video for you guys to watch it! Enjoy watching~

Well sorry for the low quality camera’s effect guys. 

Thursday 27 August 2015


                           Tupperware no more!

Ayoo people! We’re back! Here’s a new post for you guys. I bet all of you loves to eat junk food right? Chocolate candy in a packet, Reese, m&m’s, maltesers, and so much more. But the thing is, it is so hard to seal it back and you’re lazy to do so. In the end, you just put it in the fridge right? Right? Right???? I know! Cause I did the same thing, its okay! People do make mistakes. So here’s the solution for you guys!

Wednesday 26 August 2015


Ayoo people!! Im curios about how do you guys download a video from YouTube haa? Krikkk krikkk krikkk~ well thank you for the answers! For those who answered my question, a round of applause for yourself WOHOO!! For those who didn’t try to answer it next time okay? p/s: im not crazy!! Without any further delay, here’s the first life hack for downloading a video from YouTube.

step 1: choose any video that you want to download from YouTube. Here’s the example of a video that I want to download it. Since this issue was hilarious so im gonna download it. Albeit I have seen this video for thousand times *just kidding* it is still feels like new and funny to me hehe

step 2 : type “ss” after www. For a clearer example ( then press enter.

Step 3 : click on download and tadaaaa~ you’re set!! HAPPY DOWNLOADING PEEPS.